Quick Demo

A quick way to get familiar with Pinot is to run the Pinot examples. The examples can be run either by compiling the code or by running the prepackaged Docker images.

To demonstrate Pinot, let’s start a simple one node cluster, along with the required Zookeeper. This demo setup also creates a table, generates some Pinot segments, then uploads them to the cluster in order to make them queryable.

All of the setup is automated, so the only thing required at the beginning is to start the demonstration cluster.

Compiling the code


You can skip this step if you are planning to run the pre-built docker image. Make sure you have Docker installed. Some of the newer query features may not be available in docker as of this writing

One can also run the Pinot demonstration by checking out the code on GitHub, compiling it, and running it. Compiling Pinot requires JDK 8 or later and Apache Maven 3.

  1. Check out the code from GitHub (https://github.com/apache/incubator-pinot)
  2. With Maven installed, run mvn install package -DskipTests in the directory in which you checked out Pinot.
  3. Make the generated scripts executable cd pinot-distribution/target/pinot-0.016-pkg; chmod +x bin/*.sh

Trying out Offline quickstart demo

To run the demo with docker
docker run -it -p 9000:9000 linkedin/pinot-quickstart-offline
To run the demo with compiled code:

Once the Pinot cluster is running, you can query it by going to http://localhost:9000/query/

You can also use the REST API to query Pinot, as well as the Java client. As this is outside of the scope of this introduction, the reference documentation to use the Pinot client APIs is in the Executing queries via REST API on the Broker section.

Pinot uses PQL, a SQL-like query language, to query data. Here are some sample queries:

/*Total number of documents in the table*/
SELECT count(*) FROM baseballStats LIMIT 0

/*Top 5 run scorers of all time*/
SELECT sum('runs') FROM baseballStats GROUP BY playerName TOP 5 LIMIT 0

/*Top 5 run scorers of the year 2000*/
SELECT sum('runs') FROM baseballStats WHERE yearID=2000 GROUP BY playerName TOP 5 LIMIT 0

/*Top 10 run scorers after 2000*/
SELECT sum('runs') FROM baseballStats WHERE yearID>=2000 GROUP BY playerName

/*Select playerName,runs,homeRuns for 10 records from the table and order them by yearID*/
SELECT playerName,runs,homeRuns FROM baseballStats ORDER BY yearID LIMIT 10

The full reference for the PQL query language is present in the PQL section of the Pinot documentation.

Trying out Realtime quickstart demo

Pinot can ingest data from streaming sources such as Kafka.

To run the demo with docker
docker run -it -p 9000:9000 linkedin/pinot-quickstart-realtime
To run the demo with compiled code:

Once started, the demo will start Kafka, create a Kafka topic, and create a realtime Pinot table. Once created, Pinot will start ingesting events from the Kafka topic into the table. The demo also starts a consumer that consumes events from the Meetup API and pushes them into the Kafka topic that was created, causing new events modified on Meetup to show up in Pinot.

To show new events appearing, one can run SELECT * FROM meetupRsvp ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 50 repeatedly, which shows the last events that were ingested by Pinot.